Participants walked, jogged, ran, cycled and even roller blade their way through Miles in May to help fund a Demelza Nurse. In total, #TeamDemelza raised an incredible £28,243 that will go towards funding a Demelza nurse.

Our top fundraiser was Freddie who raised an incredible £1661.00. Freddie is six years old and cycled 37 miles in May to raise money for the hospice nurses that care for Ralph, his little brother.

Ralph is four and has Dravet syndrome; a rare form of epilepsy. This means their lives are a bit different from Freddie’s friends. Ralph has seizures and a special brain which means he can’t talk and finds it hard to understand things. Freddie helps take care of him by giving him his medicine, helping him stack towers and pushing his wheelchair.

Child Ralph sitting next to his Mum on a sofa

Freddie said: “Demelza also help us too and take care of Ralph so I can spend time with Mummy. I’ve just learnt how to ride my bike without stabilisers so I wanted to cycle 37 miles in May and I’m really happy with how much I raised.”

Melissa, Registered Nurse said: “Thank you so much for everyone that took part in Miles in May, each and every one of you gave it your all and I am so proud of how much you’ve raised. Without support like this we would be able to support more families near you.”

If we’ve inspired you to take on a challenge visit our events page to find out what is happening near you or find out more about the Nursing Appeal.

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