Paul Smith, Trustee

Paul Smith

About Paul

Paul Smith is a lawyer and Partner at international law firm CMS.  He is the Practice Group Leader of the CMS Energy, Projects and Construction group, board member and head of the Infrastructure & Projects Group, where he leads an international team of over 300 lawyers.

He has extensive experience advising sponsors, funders and contractors in relation to infrastructure projects that are typically funded on a project finance basis in a variety of sectors and jurisdictions including health, defence, custodial, education, housing, roads and utility infrastructure. 

More recently, he has been advising in relation to projects where parties are in dispute or the projects are in distress. 
Paul will bring his extensive experience of advising clients engaged in complex commercial transactions together with heading large teams of lawyers and other professional to the Board and through his network of contacts will aim to increase the profile of our charity.
Paul is married with four children and splits his time between his home in Hoylake on the Wirral and his office in Cannon Street, London.