Support for the family

Demelza 2023 465 RT LR

For you and your child

At Demelza, we are here for you and we will listen to you. We've answered some of the questions you may have.

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Two boys climbing up 'Jacob's ladder' at an adventure centre.

Support for siblings

At Demelza support is available for the siblings of a child with a serious or life-limiting condition.

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The sun rises over the garden of tranquillity on a frosty morning.

Support for grandparents

At Demelza support is available for the grandparents of a child with a serious or life-limiting condition.

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Zak's story

"Our lovely boy Zak was a force to be reckoned with. He was so different to his two much quieter, older brothers, Harry and Tom.

"Our darling Zak died on a Wednesday. Not long after he passed, the Demelza team arrived and took control and we felt an enormous sense of relief when they removed all of the medical paraphernalia from the living room. We needed to have Zak free from the equipment and medications that had consumed his short life for so long.

"Demelza has since offered bereavement support for our family, including a siblings group for Tom with other children who have lost a brother or sister. 

"Zak made a huge impact on the lives of everyone who he met and we’re determined for his memory to live on."

Read Zak's story
Zak enjoying ice skating, wearing a blue bobble hat.

Julie and Liam's story

“I spent 10 minutes with my baby granddaughter Jade when she was alive. In those precious moments I introduced myself as ‘Nanny Nash’, I held her tiny hand through the incubator, and then, I said goodbye.

"I wish I could’ve had longer. But I feel so incredibly grateful every day for the 10 minutes I had with her" share Julie.

Jade's grandad, Liam says: “Without Demelza, I wouldn’t have had the chance to say hello – and goodbye - to my baby granddaughter. Without Demelza, we wouldn’t have the memories that we have of Jade. Without Demelza, it would have been a different and even more tragic experience."

Jade's uncle and grandfather sit next to her as she lays in an incubator.