
Demelza 2023 561 RT LR

Short breaks | Voices heard, changes made

In February 2023, the family engagement team organised a short breaks consultation session to get staff, partner organisations and families in the same room to chat about what works well, what could be better and anything else short breaks related. Since then we've made some changes...

Find out more
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Share our nursing appeal

We're looking for extraordinary nurses to find their extraordinary nursing career with Demelza! Can you help us to reach more people?

Please share news of our nursing vacancies with any friends and family who may be interested.

Nursing Careers
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Respiratory illnesses update

At Demelza, we are aware that respiratory infections can be potentially dangerous, especially to those who have a severely low immune system or underlying respiratory conditions so here's an update on our infection prevention and control procedures for families and Demelza employees.

Find out more


Together for short lives | www.togetherforshortlives.org.uk

Offer support and speak up for children living with a life-limiting or life-threatening condition, and those that support and care for them.

Affinity Hub | www.affinityhub.uk

Emotional support for parents of children with special needs.

Unique | rarechromo.org

Understanding rare chromosome and gene disorders.

Young Voices | Activities and resources

Activities and resources for children and young people to share their voice.

Turn2us Benefits Calculator | benefits-calculator.turn2us.org.uk/

Check what welfare benefits you are entitled to by using this benefits calculator.

StepChange | www.stepchange.org/

A charity offering free debt advice including help with a plan to deal with debt.

Together for Short Lives Energy Advice | www.togetherforshortlives.org.uk/get-support/supporting-you/energysupport/

Book an appointment with an Energy Adviser for support with using energy safely, efficiently and affordably.

Citizens Advice Debt and Money Advice | www.citizensadvice.org.uk/debt-and-money/

Free debt and money advice from Citizens Advice.

Mind | www.mind.org.uk/

This charity provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem.

Calm | www.thecalmzone.net/

Calm is the Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM). They stand against suicide and offer support and advice.

Mental Health Matters | www.mhm.org.uk/

Mental health support for individuals and communities.

Samaritans | www.samaritans.org/

Samaritans offer support dedicated to reducing feelings of isolation and disconnection that can lead to suicide.

Money Saving Expert | www.moneysavingexpert.com/

A site dedicated to help you cut your bills and save money.

Citizens Advice | www.citizensadvice.org.uk/

Information and advice for people with legal, debt, consumer, housing and other problems.

Better Heath - Child's mental health | www.nhs.uk/every-mind-matters/supporting-others/childrens-mental-health/

Ways to support a child or young person's mental health.

Family recipes | www.jamieoliver.com/family/ | www.aldi.co.uk/c/recipes/cardiff-mum

Budget-friendly recipes, inspiration and tips.

Breathing space meditation | Listen now

Join Liz for a calming guided meditation.

Winter by Susie Bridges | Download poem

A poem about winter by Susie Bridges to help you reflect and unwind.

Sibs | www.sibs.org.uk

For brothers and sisters of disabled children and adults

Carers Trust | carers.org

Support for young carers

January 2024

February 2024

March 2024

April 2024

May 2024

June 2024

The Family Update is sent every two weeks and includes updates, events and activities for children and young people. If you do not receive the newsletter and would like to sign up then please email careadministration@demelza.org.uk and we'll add you to our mailing list.

You can also check out resources from our Family Friday live sessions. These virtual sessions cover interesting topics such as mental health and wellbeing, advocacy, benefits and DLA and more. They are presented by members of the family support team and other team members who have a specialist interest.

View recordings and resources

Guide to services

Short breaks information

Family Support

Transition support

Practical support

Bereavement support

Cinema room FAQs

Hydro pool FAQs

Soft play FAQs

Demelza Dots play sessions

Moving and handling

Complementary therapy

Music therapy

Art therapy

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If you would like to request this information in a different language, please contact us so that we can support you.

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