This Grief Awareness Week celebrates that we are #BetterTogether. In this blog Jo, Demelza’s Psychotherapeutic Services Manager, explores the importance of our connections to each other in the face of grief.

Grief is a universal human experience, a painful, though natural, response to loss that touches every aspect of our lives. Grief, following the death of a child, is immeasurable by comparison, with the pain experienced like none other felt. In the face of profound sorrow, the importance of connections becomes increasingly evident. While grief can feel isolating and overwhelming, the support of meaningful connections become vital in the time that follows.

Connections can provide a comforting and empathic space for people to share their emotions. By expressing grief to someone who understands, whether a friend, family member, or support group, it validates the pain being felt, fostering a sense of acceptance, reducing the isolation that often accompanies grief. In these connections, individuals can find solace in the knowledge that their emotions are not only normal but shared by others who are navigating similar paths.

Moreover, connections serve as a source of strength and resilience. The journey through grief is arduous, and having a support network can provide the emotional scaffolding needed to navigate the difficult terrain. The bonds formed during these times can offer practical assistance, such as helping with daily life or simply being a reliable presence. This shared burden can make the grieving process more manageable, preventing a sense of overwhelming despair.

Connections also play a pivotal role in remembering and honouring the child that has died. Shared memories and stories create a sense of continuity, ensuring that they live on through the collective memories of those who knew them. These connections become a lifeline, a way to keep the child with us, alive in the hearts and minds of those left behind.

At Demelza, families are supported through cafes, events, groups and newsletters/ social media, alongside listening sessions, befriending, creative therapies and counselling. If you would like to find out more about the support we offer families accessing Demelza’s services, click here, alternatively, if you are a family accessing Demelza's services and would like to find out more then please email